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Payment Security

To help ensure that your shopping experience is safe, simple and secure Sana Safinaz uses secure socket Layer (SSL) Technology. This encrypts and protects the data you send to us over the Internet. If Sslis enabled then you will see a padlock at the top of your Browser and you can click on this to find out information about the SSL Digital Certificate Registration.

Our payment processor is US based, in case of excess charge on the total bill due to currency fluctuations that 2Checkout uses, email us at sales@sanasafinaz.com with your query along with the order number and the excess charge will be reversed back to your card.

Local payment gateways: PayFast, HBL & Alfa (Please note currency conversion rates may vary and differ from actual amounts) 

We charge in the 5 mentioned currencies: PKR | USD | EURO | GBP | AED